The Effective Manager

by Mark Horstman

Book Reviews

  • What are the books that made you better at 'business'? Define business however you like Here's my top 5 * Influence (@RobertCialdini) * The Effective Manager (@mahorstman) * The Goal (Goldratt) * The Mom Test (@robfitz ) * Thinking in Bets (@AnnieDuke) What are yours? to Tweet
  • The second framework comes from Mark Horstman’s (@mahorstman) The Effective Manager. His trinity of Feedback, One on Ones, and Coaching (with the addition of Delegating) is a great way to ensure direct reports are as effective as possible.Link to Tweet

About Book

The Effective Manager is a hands-on practical guide to great management at every level. Written by the man behind Manager Tools, the world's number-one business podcast, this book distills the author's 25 years of management training expertise into clear, actionable steps to start taking today.