Monetizing Innovation

by Madhavan Ramanujam

Category: Business & Economics

Book Reviews

  • There are only 3 hard problems in SaaS: 1) self-serve pricing 2) enterprise pricing, and 3) re-pricing every 9 months 🙂 Bonus reco: That’s why you need to read Monetizing Innovation: an intentional, strategic approach for pricing your product to Tweet
  • @jasoncwarner @Aaronschwartz35 @adam_g Two other good pricing resources: Monetizing Innovation by @MadhavanSF ( by @Patticus (on @lennysan's newsletter)Link to Tweet
  • Finished reading this #book. Consider it as the “Lean Startup” equivalent for scaled up companies. Very practical, hands on guide to process of innovating that prioritise discovering willingness to pay for a product before building anything. to Tweet
  • 6 books (current list; one is a re-read) 6 tags: @kevinakwok @patrick_oshag @ashfontana @AliBHamed @briannekimmel @juliadewahl to Tweet
  • @nbashaw Book rec: Monetizing Innovation by @MadhavanSF Follow rec: @patio11 A good starting heuristic is to regularly ask prospective customers for more $$ until a good fraction of prospects push back. Also think about pricing relative to how customers perceive the value you create.Link to Tweet
  • Founder book recs: Founder's Dilemmas by @noamwass (founder issues) High Growth Handbook by @eladgil (general) Monetizing Innovation by @madhavansf (pricing) Traction by @yegg/@jwmares (growth) Understanding Michael Porter by Magretta (strategy) to Tweet

About Book

"The book explains how most companies get sidetracked by Product-Driven Thinking and how to innovate by starting with the price customers will pay, and creating the product for that price. It will present a process that Simon-Kucher & Partners has used to help dozens of others avoid innovation failure by making pricing and marketing their guiding light throughout the product development process"--

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