Les Schwab Pride in Performance
by Les Schwab
Book Reviews
@pmarca "If you want to read one book that will demonstrate really shrewd compensation systems in a whole chain of small businesses, read the autobiography of Les Schwab, who has a bunch of tire shops all over the Northwest." Charlie Munger, Berkshire AGM 2004 https://t.co/aiay1TLgfSLink to Tweet
@marketplunger1 Recommend by Buffett and Munger. https://t.co/aiay1TLgfSLink to Tweet
@SuperMugatu If you want a less well-known book:
"If you want to read one book that will demonstrate really shrewd compensation systems in a whole chain of small businesses, read the autobiography of Les Schwab." Charlie Munger, Berkshire AGM 2004 https://t.co/aiay1TLgfSLink to Tweet
@m2jr I'll be different and say:
"Les Schwab Pride in Performance: Keep It Going" https://t.co/aiay1TLgfS
This is a book about running a business rather than an investing or finance book. It is similar to Shoe Dog.
Bill Gurley's business book list is solid: https://t.co/Q2KoA0sAhhLink to Tweet
"It’s an interesting book, and, you know, selling tires, how do you make any money doing that?" Warren Buffett
~$25 used https://t.co/aiay1TLgfSLink to Tweet