Charlie Munger

by Tren Griffin

Book Reviews

  • 2/ If you want a fully footnoted version of the Charlie Munger quotes, one source is the bibliography in my book. Assembling the original source of each Charlie Munger quote was a shit ton of work that was checked by an editor assigned by the publisher. to Tweet
  • Charlie Munger: "Do you know what it would cost to replace a railroad today? We are not going to build another transcontinental." to Tweet
  • Sales of my Charlie Munger book at the annual meeting are outstanding. This year they sold out of my book. My share of profits goes to charities I support. to Tweet
  • @juliagalef Deprival Superreaction Hammer Syndrome Inversion Kantian Fairness Tendency Lollapalooza Tendency Loss Aversion Lake Wobegone Effect (see Overconfidence) Liking/Loving Tendency Reason-Respecting Tendency Reciprocity Social-Proof Tendency Twaddle Tendency to Tweet
  • 3/ When I was writing my Charlie Munger book I wanted the book to be funnier to make it easier to read. I asked a few people whether I should include a few jokes and they said "no." I included the jokes anyway. A book is personal. Write what *you* want.Link to Tweet